Field of Science

Summary of R. capsulatus Bioscreen growth curves

The previous post (GTA competition experiments) described the results of the follow-up set of R. capsulatus growth curves that I planned at the end of the previous experiment (R. capsulatus growth curves in RCV medium).  But it didn't pull together the results of all the Bioscreen growth curves, nor integrate them with what was previously known/thought).  So here goes:

First, what's already been reported about growth in liquid culture?  Not a lot.  The graphs below are all I could find.  (I asked my colleague here - he says he doesn't know of any others.)

GTA production: 

The only work that measured GTA production along with growth is Solioz et al. 1975, and their 'growth curve' is just a schematic.  The titers of GTA this shows are very peculiar.  The titer is very low while the culture is growing, and rises to about 3x10^4 just before culture density levels off.  But then it dips sharply, falling to about 10^3 over a few hours, and then rises again to its final stable level of about 4x10^5.

I don't understand how the titer can fall that quickly.  Where do the GTA particles go?  The titers are transformants to RifR or StrR, so the total number of active GTA particles per ml is about 1000-fold higher, so ~4x10^7 at he first peak, and 10^6 at the valley.  Perhaps there's an initial burst of GTA production that stops abruptly, and most of the released GTAs are quickly lost because they attach to the remaining cells.  There would be at least 10^8 cells at that stage so this could easily happen.  After a few hours the second wave of GTA production begins.  This produces at least 4x10^8 GTA particles that remain free (and possibly many that attach to cells and are not detected).
<10 100-fold="" 20-fold="" 3="" a="" about="" again="" and="" are="" as="" but="" cells="" exponentially="" falls="" final="" going="" growing="" hrs.="" is="" it="" its="" just="" level="" linear="" ml="" nbsp="" of="" on="" over="" p="" quickly="" rapidly="" rises="" scale...="" schematic="" the="" then="" to="" was="" while="" write="" x10="">
Are the GTA titers from my last Bioscreen run comparable?  I got 780 RifR transductants per ml, from a culture that had about 10^9 cells/ml; this is about 20-fold lower than Solioz et al. reported, and about 3-fold lower than I saw in an earlier (not-Bioscreen) culture.   The difference may partly be due to the different culture conditions in the Bioscreen.
<10 100-fold="" 20-fold="" 3="" a="" about="" again="" and="" are="" as="" but="" cells="" exponentially="" falls="" final="" going="" growing="" hrs.="" is="" it="" its="" just="" level="" linear="" ml="" nbsp="" of="" on="" over="" p="" quickly="" rapidly="" rises="" scale...="" schematic="" the="" then="" to="" was="" while="" write="" x10="">
<10 100-fold="" 20-fold="" 3="" a="" about="" again="" and="" are="" as="" but="" cells="" exponentially="" falls="" final="" going="" growing="" hrs.="" is="" it="" its="" just="" level="" linear="" ml="" nbsp="" of="" on="" over="" p="" quickly="" rapidly="" rises="" scale...="" schematic="" the="" then="" to="" was="" while="" write="" x10="">Effects of PO4:  
<10 100-fold="" 20-fold="" 3="" a="" about="" again="" and="" are="" as="" but="" cells="" exponentially="" falls="" final="" going="" growing="" hrs.="" is="" it="" its="" just="" level="" linear="" ml="" nbsp="" of="" on="" over="" p="" quickly="" rapidly="" rises="" scale...="" schematic="" the="" then="" to="" was="" while="" write="" x10="">
<10 100-fold="" 20-fold="" 3="" a="" about="" again="" and="" are="" as="" but="" cells="" exponentially="" falls="" final="" going="" growing="" hrs.="" is="" it="" its="" just="" level="" linear="" ml="" nbsp="" of="" on="" over="" p="" quickly="" rapidly="" rises="" scale...="" schematic="" the="" then="" to="" was="" while="" write="" x10="">The Westbye graphs on the lower right come from a study of the effects of phosphate levels on GTA production.  This is in the defined medium RCV, either with its normal 10 mM PO4 or with only 0.5 mM PO4.  Low PO4 allowed higher GTA production.  Differences in PO4 did not affect the culture density of the normal strain SB1003, probably because less than 1% of the cells in a culture produce GTA, but low PO4 caused a drop in the density of the overproducer strain DE442, where up to 20% of cells are thought to produce GTA.  The phosphate effect is thought to be on release of GTA particles from the producer cells, not on GTA synthesis or on stability of parrticles in the medium.
<10 100-fold="" 20-fold="" 3="" a="" about="" again="" and="" are="" as="" but="" cells="" exponentially="" falls="" final="" going="" growing="" hrs.="" is="" it="" its="" just="" level="" linear="" ml="" nbsp="" of="" on="" over="" p="" quickly="" rapidly="" rises="" scale...="" schematic="" the="" then="" to="" was="" while="" write="" x10="">
<10 100-fold="" 20-fold="" 3="" a="" about="" again="" and="" are="" as="" but="" cells="" exponentially="" falls="" final="" going="" growing="" hrs.="" is="" it="" its="" just="" level="" linear="" ml="" nbsp="" of="" on="" over="" p="" quickly="" rapidly="" rises="" scale...="" schematic="" the="" then="" to="" was="" while="" write="" x10="">In my Bioscreen runs I saw the effect of low PO4 on GTA levels, but no the predicted drop in culture density of DE442.   Instead both DE442 cultures levelled off at densities well below that of both SB1003 cultures.
<10 100-fold="" 20-fold="" 3="" a="" about="" again="" and="" are="" as="" but="" cells="" exponentially="" falls="" final="" going="" growing="" hrs.="" is="" it="" its="" just="" level="" linear="" ml="" nbsp="" of="" on="" over="" p="" quickly="" rapidly="" rises="" scale...="" schematic="" the="" then="" to="" was="" while="" write="" x10="">
<10 100-fold="" 20-fold="" 3="" a="" about="" again="" and="" are="" as="" but="" cells="" exponentially="" falls="" final="" going="" growing="" hrs.="" is="" it="" its="" just="" level="" linear="" ml="" nbsp="" of="" on="" over="" p="" quickly="" rapidly="" rises="" scale...="" schematic="" the="" then="" to="" was="" while="" write="" x10="">

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