One remaining concern is that these searches were not unbiased, in that I started them all with a 'fragmentation mask' that specified the positions of gaps in the motif. See this post for an explanation. What would a completely unbiased search find? I suspect it will close the gaps, and ignore the consensus at positions that aren't close to the core, as this is what happens in unbiased searches of the genome. But I should try (now).
...Short break while I do this (28 short sequences means it runs very fast)...
Well I'll be hornswoggled! (Sorry, Language Log influence.) It found the reverse version of the full USS motif!
...Another slightly longer break while I do ten replicate runs...

This 'unbiased' motif is actually a better match to the genome consensus than is the motif I got using the fragmentation mask. How nice!
I've been (sometimes) putting 'unbiased' in quotes, because I don't think any pattern search can be truly unbiased. The Gibbs motif sampler program I'm using for these searches has a bias towards compact motifs - there's a built-in penalty for introducing gaps.
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