I've never been to Iowa, so few days there sounds interesting, but a week in a small college town surrounded by cornfields? I suppose I could get a lot of work done. Dates: Fly in May 31, Sex meeting May 31-June 3, SMBE June 3-June 7, fly home Sunday June 7.
Also, registration for the SMBE meeting is $450. But accommodations are cheap, especially if I stay at the Motel 6 ($36/night). But staying there would require renting a car, which would be fine if I wanted to do a lot of sightseeing, but I don't think there are many sights to see (though I'd like to drive over and look at the Mississippi). I could stay on campus for about $75/night, which is still far cheaper than what I'm paying for my ASM accommodation.
On the other hand, I just got an email announcement that the SMBE meeting will include a symposium on the impact of next-generation sequencing methods for evolution. As the CIHR and NIH proposals I'm planning will include massive sequencing, this sounds like something I should attend. And other symposia look excellent too.
I need to decide by April 5 to get the early registration discounted fee - otherwise I'd pay $50 more.
I'm having the same debate about SMBE, but for different reasons. I just don't have enough completely distinct stories to tell this year to present at all the meetings I want to go to. I'm already going to ASM just for fun/student recruiting. 3 days to decide...